Pretty swank, eh? Dan also got to play some music for the students as they had a concert there during lunch. Then they sat down with my English majors and talked with them for part of their grade, then they went to Tk and decorated.
After they had dinner, we played games and hung out with the students, then made valentines. All in all it was a great night.
The next Tuesday night we had TonKla again as usual, but I was unable to be there because I was teaching. According to the girls, we had about 7 or 8 show, and they had fun. They played telephone pictionary and told the story of... Noah and the Ark? I think that was the next one on our list. Yeah, anyways. This week we will do normal stuff, then the following week will be finals week, so we will tell the story and then watch a movie. Beyond that we still have not discussed really with the students, so we will do that on Tuesday.
Another new develpment, one of the girls who came to the Valentines day party, also went with Sa to the BK vday party, the CD vday party and wants to study the bible with her, along with a couple of her friends. So starting on Monday they will be having a girls' Bible study (girls in the sense that no guys are coming yet, not in that they aren't allowed). The company has let us borrow a book shelf and a fan. Awesome. And Rob and Jordan's home church has made a very genrous donation to help us with bills and such. So praise God for all of that.
This leads me into the part of my post that is mixed TK and me personally. The TK part is that there are some really cool opportunities opening up in front of us. We are trying to figure out to be a meeting place for the believers in the area, and for the students that go to North that are already believers, and there are a few. Also looking at offering more in depth cell group type meetings for those who want more than just the stories we do on Tuesday. The me personally part is I am try to decide how much I am supposed to be a North and TK each. I'll get back to that.
For me personally the first half of this month has been very draining. It's been basically non-stop. I'm about fed up with my bank back home and all the dadgum fee's it charges me just to get money out (in addition to the ones here). It has been wonderful, but draining.
And even though I was very excited when I was first told that they were putting through the contract for me, and it was something that I have been asking them to do, I feel a pull inside of me telling me to make this descision carefully. As it is, teaching and side projects for North consume a large amount of my time. Most of my time. Especially the side projects that I sometimes get blindesided with, and making tests. I am not a very nice or graceful person to be around when it comes down to creating mid-terms and finals. If I sign a full time contract, well, its just like becoming a salaried employee in the states, they own your time. Even though on paper I only need to put in 35 hours per week, I know that will be more like 60. at least.
And the main reason I am doing it because of the financial security it offers. A set amount of money coming in at the same time every month is very attractive to me at this point, as is the pay raise, how ever much that is.
And I know it's not time for me to quit. Abondoning my students, and dropping out a position I have said I would fulfil is increadably the wrong way to go about it. But I don't know if I should be taking this contract. I realise this is rambling and random, but that's the state of my brain on the issue right now.
Moving on. Valentines days parties were awesome. Had a crapload of fun eventhough I didn't get any rest at all.
And then yesterday was my Birthday. Yay for being 25. Yay even more for lazing about my room until about 5, and then going bowling with friends. I want to say thanks to all my friends that read this that sent me various types of birthday wishes, and those who were able to come to my party. All in all it has been a crazy, awesome, increadable month. and we still have a week left.
Please pray for TK and me as we move to the end of the semester, and we have some descisions to make, or more accurately, we need to seek out the best direction that God has chosen for us. Yay finals, yay fun, and yay for watching doors open all over the place.
love y'all