A brief recap, for those who are unable to follow me on Facebook, the big even we were planning did not get off the ground. Everyone involved was excited for it, but we simply did not leave ourselves enough time to negotiate all the red tape involved. But I feel it was an important step forward and has opened some doors should we want to pursue another event like this in the future.
Campers and Team |
But we still had a team of DTS students come and help us out for a week. The helped me get to know a few local pastors and run a camp for the kids of several local churches. The camp itself was the big event that we could not have done at all if not for the willingness of the students in this team. It was a two night camp aimed at encouraging the children who are believers in their faith and growth as children of God and in their ability to share that faith with their friends and families. About 40 kids came in all.
Majority of this last month was spent preparing and finalizing plans for this team, I had no idea how much time and planning went into something like this. Better informed for the future now! And my mom came for a visit during the past two weeks, so the first week she got to tag along as I helped out with the team, and then last week I took off to spend time with her and enjoy Song Khran.
As I am going back into my regular scheduling, please be praying for me. I need to be firm in my goal here of discipling those who are willing to be discipled, and not get distracted by being busy. I am going to resume my prayer walking times and really trying to build on the couple of relationship opportunities that I have here in my community.
Thank you for all of your prayers and continued support!