I want to take this post to simply say thank you.
Firstly to God. If it weren't for God and for Jesus coming back from the dead. I would never have been in this position to even know most of these people, including my new wife. So thank you Father, for your faithfulness and every blessing that you have poured out on us. Thank you.
The rest will be stream of consciousness in no particular order:
Thank you to my family. My mom and dad and brother for their support the past four and a half years. And for dropping everything to come over and celebrate here with us. It meant the world for Anne and me that you were here. Also to my extended family on both sides. For my mom's parents for their prayers, letters and encouragement and for their love. For all my dad's sisters and brothers-in-law, and all of my cousins. Again it meant so much to Anne and I for waking up so early to watch our wedding online, and even bake a cake to celebrate with us. We can't wait to get back to Missouri to see you all and introduce Anne to you in person. Thank you for helping make our day that much more special.
Thank you to Anne's family as well. For their support of the marriage, for encouraging us and helping us get the last few things in place for ceremony and reception to be great. Thank you to all of you who were able to come to the wedding and share in our celebration.
Thank you to our amazing family at Chung Doi CoC. You guys have supported us as we grew as a couple and were there for us throughout the entire planning process for the wedding up all the way through the reception. Thank you for everyone who pitched in.
Specifically, thank you to Dthan for being our wedding planner. For working with us for through the theme deciding process and executing such a beautiful decorating scheme. Thank you for organizing and preparing everyone and everything so that Anne and I could just enjoy the ceremony and the reception. Thank you P. Kate for taking care of food and getting all the stuff together for that part. Thank you to P. Noi, P. Pat, P. Mim, Yochiz and anyone else who helped with providing food and drinks. Thank you Ben for being our DJ at the reception, the songs were perfect.

Thank you everyone at Baan Kanoon, firstly for bringing me to Thailand, and for all the support you have given me in my time here, and for being there for Anne and I through our difficult times and for helping out before and at the wedding.
Thank you Kratea, N. Liew, P. Golf, and everyone who helped at the registration table.
Thank you Kate and Fai for taking care of Anne's hair and make up and highlighting how beautiful she is.
Thank you Ozzie and P'Toey for MC'ing the wedding and the photography time, and P'Jan and Fai for being our MC's during the reception.
Thank you P. Bee, P. Thum and Mai for the music during the reception.
Thank you P. Sean and my dad for working together so that we could have a dual language wedding and include all the members of both of our families and all our friends who came.
Thank you Claire, Zach and Alex for volunteering your time and skills so that we could have a string trio, something both of us loved and never imagined we would be able to have.
Thank you Gigi for making 150 cupcakes and an amazing Cake along with the toppers and the stand to put it all on.
Thank you to to P. Note and EEE, and the Smallworm lighting group for such beautiful pre-wedding photos.
Thank you to P. Thum, John Briggs, P. Wing Cov, P. Say and Cal for the photos and video of the ceremony and reception.
Thank you Florian and Katerine for taking care of us for our Honeymoon so that we could have a couple nights to get away and just enjoy being together.
Thank you to Jared, Arm, Cal, Ekk, Chris, P. Jit, P. Maew, Mint, Dream and P. Sun for standing beside us in front of everyone as we came together as man and wife.
Thank you for all the guys who came out for the bachelor part for good food, excellent karaoke choices and dance floor memories.
Thank you ladies for taking the time during the midst of planning, organizing and preparing for the wedding in the midst of your busy lives to also put on a wedding shower for Anne.
If for some reason as Anne and I were writing this we forgot someone or something, we ask for your forgiveness and still say thank you.
Thank you our wedding gifts that when so far beyond our expectations and helped us get a few needed items for the house as well as get us through the rest of the month.
Thank you all for praying for us as Anne and I enter into a who realm of new. New marriage, new position at NCU, new rent house and Anne just graduated and looking for a new job. Thank for all the facebook messages and email of support. Thank you for reading what is now going to be our blog.
In about two weeks after school has been open for a month, I will put up my next update update. Thank you again. We love you.