Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lanna New Year

Alright. Short mid month update and prayer request! Next month we have a team coming to work for two weeks. So we decided to use them to help us get into the local churches to start doing training. Open door idea, we help you, and then ask to let us help you more.

So we wanted to do an event. It was going to be a small showing of a film done in the local dialect. God said that's not big enough. So now we are putting together a district (think county) wide carnival to start celebrating the Lanna (Northern Thai) New Year.

This is a huge opportunity to build community with all of the churches here in Hang Dong where I live. And I mean all. We are inviting them all to build unity and purpose. It will also help with opening doors and building community across traditional walls of differing religion and with the government.

But this won't happen unless God pulls it together. He gave the vision. Now we are following it through. But we need prayer support. So please spend time today and tomorrow (Central Standard Time) because at 10 pm (CST) Monday, we will be going to meet with the Government to get permission and support. After the meeting we will need to raise all the support for the event before Friday. We will need God to open the doors to find sponsorship from area businesses.

This event has potential, beyond just that night, and can eventually open doors all across Northern Thailand for everyone to hear the good news of Jesus. The rest of this post is pictures of the location we want to use. Please be praying for that area as well. I will put an update up on Wednesday.

Prayer Points:
God will open the right doors at the Government
God will open the doors for sponsors
God will prepare the people who will be touched by this event to hear the Truth
Unity in the Church in this district
God will get the Glory for all of this, that people would know the power of the name of Jesus

1 comment:

Lynn Courtney said...

I am praying massive favor for you and your team tonight in the meeting with the gov officials. And I'm praying for the brave little seedlings, too.