Monday, February 2, 2009

living the life

So, since my last journal, a good amount of fun things have happened.

We completed our first three day session of teaching out at chiang mai north, it was a blast. We had about thirty students in our class. Some could speak pretty good English, others couldn't understand the basics. But it went well and we have two more sessions the last two weeks of feb. They may even be bigger classes so that we have a lit of students on our own.

We did that Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, then Thursday we woke up and went out to Saraphi again. This time we got to take samaratin's purse shoeboxes out to the children. For those of you like me who hadn't really heard about these guys, they organize in the US, Australia, and New Zealand and churches put together shoe box gifts for kids around the world. They are age and gender specific, but it was like Christmas. It was the first time that these had been taken out to this village and it was beautiful watching the kids open up their gifts.

We also went over to Rob and Jordans village to do the same thing and picked them up to bring them back to Chiang Mai.

Then we split up, got all showered and what not and went our to eat at a nice resturaunt for Beca's birthday, and met up with some friends at BK who had poundcake and strawberries (yummie). Friday we had our team meeting, and then the three if us interns started our language class finally, and did fantastic Friday night at BK.

On Saturday we went to the market to pick up some stuff, and then ate dinner with Beth an Ryder who will be joining the BK team this like August.

Sunday was nice and busy. Brooke's friend Dannielle had come to visit her, so they and us three interns went elephant riding and at lunch on a lake on these little huts that actaully floated on the lake. 'Twas awesomeness. Then The Three (I think I shall refer to us as this from now on... Or maybe just da3, I like that better) got dropped off at the flower festival, big cultural event in the old city. Then we headed home and to worship, after which we went to walking street.

Yesterday, we slept in (yay holiday) and then da3, Ekk and Dream went out to a waterfall and played in the water. Much fun and bruising of the bottoms occurred. Then just hung out the rest of the day.

So it's been good time. I left the important stuff for the end. First, on their last day there Rob and Jordan found a small Thai cell church in their village, so that was amazing. There are a lot of new believers and mostly younger believers. Pray for them as they grow and minister to that area.

Also at the prison ministry last week, we got an entirely new class. But it's smaller and the kids are more engaged so we feel this is a wide open door to share. So pray for God's wisdom and guidance as we procede the next few months.

Love you all. Check out my mobile uploads on Facebook for all the pics from these things. Lata!


Eddie with LYFE Photography said...

Great to hear all the good things going on!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet. Sounds amazing. Prayers continue to flow your way, my brother.