Sunday, June 7, 2009


Too much has happened these past two weeks to do too much detail, but it's still going to be long

After I wrote the last one, I went to mine and Bekas farewell party, picked up a couple of nice old ladies from the airport and wandered about the Chiang Mia province, the cities of Bangkok and Rayong, and the island of Koh Samed.

The farewell party was good. It was good to see so many of my friends from here gathered in one spot, and a get a chance to say hi and bye to them since I won't see them as much the next few months. I had a good conversation one night in Louisiana with a lady named Cindy about how people and relationships move in and out of our lives. How they impact us and the seasons of our lives. I've been thinking about that conversation a lot lately. About the time you start depending on people or they on you, life changes and neither are able to keep that former dependency.

I have yet to decide how much I like or dislike that part of life.

But after the party I went to the airport and picked up my mother and mimi, and headed back to my room to spend the night.

Over the next week and two days we traveled all over this area of Thailand. We saw an umbrella factory, giant jewellery store, carpet and silk factories, tons of teak furniture, elephants, movies, rafted a river, and moved me.

Then if that wasn't enough we flew down Bangkok for a couple of days to see the park, mall, palace and big temple and eat on the river, and caught a bus three hours away to go to a beautiful beach to watch it rain and then clear up breathtakingly. Then I left their tired rears in the Bangkok airport an came home.

Also during that time, I got my books and class schedules for this semester and found an apartment for me near the university.

On saturday, I woke up, and met some guys to look at a bike. Had breakfast with them. Went to my new home, and finally unpacked and set up my room a bit, bought some things I needed at the local department store and read and at different points during the day, read through my books I'll be teaching out of.

Today I laid in bed most of the day. It was nice. Then I went in for worship, picked up a bike, and went to buy a helmet, then came back home.

It still feels new, but it really does feel like home. And now I'm relaxing to Nickel Creek, and letting y'all know what's up. This week I'll make up some lesson plans and start getting to know some of the people I will be working with. Yay!

I'm excited.

1 comment:

Sarah Lewie said...

Ahhh... Nickel Creek. That's how I wind down as well.

I miss you, but I'm glad you're there, doing what He wants for you. I'm a proud Sarah.

And I can't believe you called your mom "old" - she will so beat you up later!