Sunday, July 26, 2009


I didn't realize I was going to be ShangHai-ed by a drama department today and put in a skit during church.

But I'm getting ahead of myself again.

Over the past two weeks or so since that last one, it's been a constant go without looking up. Today in fact was my first day to just sleep in and rest a bit. I like rest. I missed it.

But I have created my portion of finals for two of my classes and created the entirety of another for my English majors. Just waiting on that last one to get final approval. All midterms are reviewed by the teachers in a department. It's a great idea.

The teaching has been hard, and rewarding at times when I manage to actually teach something, but my techinical English class and my English one class, the first section, are a challenge constantly. I don't know how to get some of this stuff across the language barrier. It can be discouraging. And I hate the idea that I'm wasting their time. But with my other classes I enjoy the challenge.

So still waiting to see what happens at midterms.

I'm still teaching two student for cash outside of class, and teaching one in exchange for Thai lessons, but I'm going to be cutting that down to one for cash and rescheduling the other two in a couple of weeks.

But I'm still enjoying it.

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