Monday, August 24, 2009

big NEWS.

Well hi there. Sorry it has been a little while, been sorting myself out the last few weeks. Leaves me with little desire to blog til I get some semblance of order going. But I will summarize the majority of what's been going on.

By the way the rainy season has finally kicked itself into gear. It's rained pretty much every day, even if only for a little bit. It's all well and good til I'm out on the bike in it. But any ways.

My students did average on their midterms, and talking to Aacaan Aom (pronounced ahjahn ahom) finalized that I do in fact have a few classes next term. And they are going to help me with my visa, how much has yet to be determined. It will be determined by how fast my diploma arrives from the states. Then I can sign a contract with the school to finish out the term.

So that sets in motion what I think might happen over the next few years. First step is to keep my foot in the door at north which gives me an ok income, and helps me with my visa. For now.

I'm also looking for a new place to live. A place that actually has more than one room so that I can actually start having people over. That is half of the next step. I'm currently starting to look for a Thai partner and a place and I would like to open a center out here in Hang Dong. Most of my students are interested in a place like BK, but don't want to drive all the way into chiang mai for it. And the school is wide open. The majority if the students would love to have the chance to study with native speakers.

The future is to have a place where people who want to be plugged in can come work at. But mostly to have a place where the students at north can come and hang out in a constructive environment.

This is going to be a work that will take a few years, and I'm already struggling to be patient. So please pray for me as I relearn how to take baby steps and as I work on learning the language.

I know that fir now working at North will be the bast way to head down this road. But I hope to eventually cut that down to a couple classes a semester so that I can meet new students and keep up relations, and start getting support from back home. But that's a lil ways down the road after I get more of a cohesive plan put together.

The sad thing is it doesn't look like I will be coming home in October. It would more than break my piggy bank and I just would get the rest I will be needing to be ready for the new semester starting in November. So that is also in my plan to start saving some monies so that I can come home, but that for sure means I need to go full time at north.

I have also been told about a small house nearby that I might be able to move into for about 3500 baht a month. Which is right on the upper edge of my budget so it could be good. I will go look at it this week. Pray for me as I head down this path. That I stay in Gods will and don't just go off on my own. But that I wait for Him. Again. Taking the small steps that will yield His bountiful returns.

In event type stuff, I got to be a part of a big spelling bee that North hosted. It was fun. Um, Wednesday I will go with the school to watch movie. I'm also going to give blood, so that should be interesting. I broke the chain on my bike. It's all fixed but that was frustrating. Ekk will be back next month (just a couple of weeks a way, yay!)

Other than that I'm good. I go through my periods of having motivation or desire to be here. But they don't do any lasting damage other than put me behind on my grading. But I am excited for the future and pretty nervous at times. Sometimes it's hard to remember that I don't have to acomplish anything. I have to let God work in His timing and things will work out the way they are supposed to be.

But. I'm done rambling for now. I'll let you know how the movie and the blood giving goes. Oh I also have a sweet x-ray of my chest. They let you keep em over here. I want to hang it up above my desk but my fellow teachers have vetoed that.

I'm also picking up a new class out side of school. Mostly because it's a challenging side task. And keeps out of trouble. One day a week. Yup. Well. I'm out. Love yall.

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