Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Gospel According to Jesus
Author: Chris Seay
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
The Gospel According to Jesus is a well researched and yet thoughtful look at the meanings behind the words we bandy about in our day to day faith. Justice and Righteousness. The book opens with research into what the modern church believes the definition of these words are, and why knowing the definition is important. Then through commentary, interviews, artwork and presentation of the authors thoughts on the issue, helps the reader to begin to find their own definition for thes words.
I read through this book a few times so that I could get a good feel for what the author is trying to get across. There are many themes in the book that I identify strongly with, as well as seem to be reoccurring themes I have been seeing in books such as these as well as in the direction my generation is moving with there faith. In the book the author calls us to delve into the meaning of the word righteousness, a word used a lot in faith circles, but not always well understood according to the research done in this book. The author does a good job of presenting these arguments for why this is important to even think about, the process the author went through in finding his own definition with those close to him, as well as ways the author feels any person can integrate this thought into his or her life.
I enjoyed the book for the most part. The author makes his points quite clearly while leaving room for the reader to come to their own conclusions about certain things. It presents a new thought process and definition without rigidly outlining some new dogma or doctrine that must be adhered too. Also the author includes at the end of each chapter excerpts of conversations and interviews he had for this book with friends and some beautiful and thought provoking artwork in the middle.
My only problem with this book is the tone the author takes. Many times he comes across as both patronizing and/or snarky. In the interviews and the book as well, he comes across somewhat arrogant almost as if he had come up with this idea and influenced all these people he is talking to to by himself. But I don't believe this distracts too much from the argument he is making. This book is definitely a thought provoking read for anyone who considers his or herself to be a follower of Christ.
This book was provided for me through Thomas Nelson's
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Trips and Tests
We have a new brother and sister in the family. Their names are Annie and Yo. I wanted to give them time to let people know themselves before this blog is posted up on the interwebs and Facebook.
So we already had this trip planned out, and then they became followers of Christ, and decided they would like to be Baptized while on the trip. Unfortunately, Yo family had some health issues and he wasn't able to come on the trip, but Annie was baptized. The following Week finals started and now we are on our 3 week break until the second term begins Nov 1. At TK we will continue to meet on Tuesday nights and Wednesday nights. Found out there is a small church near my house so I have been getting to know some of the leaders there to see if we can partner together.
Also doing a lot of work in getting trained to go and start small groups. My Thai has been improving. It's no where near where it needs to be, but much better. We are starting the new semester in a few weeks, so it is too late to find a teacher for this semester, but still searching for some teachers to come for next year.
Prayer requests at this time are for:
1. Yo and Annie: that they will grow and be faithful, and that those of us showing them would be able to communicate effectively, and more than that be good models
2. TK: for the groups we have now, that hearts would continue to open and that we would be sensitive to what God would have us be doing
3. For teachers for next year
4. For funds: I am taking on less classes so that I have more time to do ministry. Which means I need to start sending out letters and need some help with getting my foods and such, as well as being able to do more with the groups (i.e. parties, trips and such)
5. TK Christians: that they would grow bold in Christ and their faith, and be willing to share what God has done for them.
6. For my classes: That i would prepare much more thoroughly for next semester than I did the past one
Thanks for your supports, your prayers, and your loves.
PS - If you want to see pics of the camping trip, and don't have FB, or don't want to search for them, check em out here:!/album.php?aid=2077624&id=28302649
The first two are my albums, the third is Mel's... it might not work if you don't have FB already
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
That about sums up how I am feeling right now, everything is flying full bore and I'm mostly along for the ride. But it's been a fun ride.
For the Tuesday night group, we have a few new faces, are missing a couple of old faces and have been getting a little deeper into the gospels. It's been good, but we are getting to a part where it is a little harder to communicate. So pray for us that we can find someone to help us with that. We have considered asking someone from BaanKanoon to come help, but right now I would like for a few of the people who I know are Christians and go to North to be able to step in and help us because I would like the peeps at BK to go out and start their own new groups rather than just stay around and act as translators, but to become leaders in their own groups. So please pray for us in that, both that the believers at BK would be going out and starting and leading their own groups, and that we would be able to find someone to come and help us out.
The Wednesday night group is going well. We are working through the basic stories from Creation to Christ, because this group will graduate in October. So pray for God to open their hearts to receive the truth.
On Thursday, the two that are coming said that they wanted to learn English, I told them I wanted to teach them about the Bible, so we compromised and are using Bible stories to practice speaking and understanding English. It has been surprisingly good.
We all have about 3 weeks left until finals, and then break and then we will see what happens during the break and next semester.
Big plan for this month is we want to take all the students studying at my house on a trip the last weekend of the month, and right now are looking at a place to go camping about an hour away if we can do it and keep it affordable. So be praying for us about that.. about finding the right place to camp, and that the students will come, and that it would be restful, fun and good weekend. And that we can get to know our students better so as to know how to live life with them better.
so that's a quick note on what's going on now. For me, please pray that I can find a Christian who is passionate about teaching and would be willing to do that here for maybe 2 years or more if they like it.
Also, probably going to start sending out fund raising letters, because if the groups keep growing like this, gonna need some extra help keeping up. So please be praying for me, that I can find the funds I need, as well as for if maybe you are one of the people who will be helping me out.
Welll, that's about all I can think of now. Also be praying for Rob and Jordan as they are finishing their ICS term here and will be returning to the states next month. Love you all.
zac out
Monday, July 26, 2010
Midterms are a-comin'
But anyways. Things are going good with the original Tuesday night group at for Ton Kla. Same people are still coming, and possibly some new regulars. We have been able to get a little deeper into our discussions about who God is. So that's going fantastic. The group that was going to meet on Mondays has switched to Wednesday nights, we met for the first Wednesday last week, so this next one will be number two, so please be praying as we start getting into the stories of God. And then another group is supposed to be starting on Thursday afternoons. It hasn't happened yet, but be praying for that group as we try to get it started, it is a bit different as it is the students that are putting it together, and I am just providing my house as a place to meet, and offering help to the two guys so that they can lead it themselves (this is the goal, we'll see it how it plays out).
School is starting to aggravate me. I still enjoy the teaching aspect, but as things are starting to move in the area I am living, I am wanting to step back on my teaching responsibilities and move more into ministry. So I am praying, and would ask you to join in praying with me for this, a new teacher or two, who is/are like minded about wanting to share the gospel, but who's passion is teaching English. That way they are doing what they are wanting to do, and not just trying to make ends meet like I am. If this happens then I am going to have to actually start doing serious fund raising, so that's one other big change that will be coming me my way.
Personally, I am busy busy busy, but I love except on the days when I run out of energy, but I have been taking a sabbath the past few weeks, which has helped tremendously. But other than that, things are going good, and I am excited to see how this all develops.
love you all,
thank you for your prayers and other supports,
Sunday, June 20, 2010
1. Creating new curriculum for two classes.
2. Preparing to teach a new curriculum for a third class.
3. Starting a new semester.
4. Searching for and renting a new house.
5. Moving and having a housewarming party on the same day.
6. Negotiating the end of one lease, and the beginning of a new one.
7. Making sure the right people know you are moving and find out what of their stuff you are borrowing they need back.
8. Trying to write a blog about all of it.
So yeah, if you notice that the last one is the blog, that's why I have not been on every few days as I had thought I would be able to do. It has been tons of fun, but just kinda a little stressful.
So to catch all you followers in the states up on all that has been happening since the last blog (pause as I check the last blog to remind myself what I wrote).. Right-o. I ended up going for the place I had hinted at in my last blog, the pics of which are scattered through-out this post. I now live close enough to the university that I am starting to look for a cheep second hand bicycle that is big enough for me, do my part on reducing oil usage.
If you didn't figure out from my little list at the beginning of the post, I have moved, almost successfully (almost being that I still need to do some unpacking and cleaning, but successfully in that it is all moved in and didn't destroy anyone or thing in the process, a first for me). I really like the new place. I have my room to get away in, a place to watch movies, and extra bed for friends to spend the night, and a room that right now I have set up as a sitting room, and will eventually add a desk for it to be a reading/reflection and (hopefully) art room. I have realized that I have lost a lot of my skill in using a pencil or pen as I used to, which saddens me, and so I am hoping that I will be able to start doing this again. And I even have a little patch of grass I have to water, and flowers and stuff (you should prolly pray for those things, as they are now in my care).
On the personal side, things are still crazy, my focus is shot at the moment, but I am taking a mini-vaca at the end of this week. The students that were meeting at the big building are still wanting to come over to my house on the same night so that is good. I was worried it would be more work than that. School started last Monday, as of right now, I have one section less than anticipated, but that will most likely change this week. I have rewritten my curriculum for my Listening and Speaking class to be more in line with what our new dean would like to see, so we'll see how implementing it goes. Finally finished writing it for my Oral Communication class, again, we'll see how it goes. And for my English 1 GE class, we are changing the format to be focused simply on listening and speaking, so I am trying to figure out how to translate a lesson focused on the four basic skills (listening/speaking, reading, writing, grammar) into a cohesive lesson simply working on L/S. So again, fun times this semester.
On Thursday, on of my friends who teaches in the Masters program is going to be on TV in Bangkok, so the rest of the Master's teachers, me and one of the teachers from English are all tagging along, and then going to the beach, and some historical places and whatnot. Its gonna be fun. The only downside is that I have to make up the classes I am skipping, but a free trip (excluding food purchases)to Bangkok and the beach, with friends is completely worth it.
I finally have a group of people I am meeting with that are like minded, and we worship in English, so that is an answer to prayer. And all of us are working together towards the goal of trying to tell everyone who God is. I am excited to see how this is working out and the direction it is heading. The potential here is amazing. Please pray for us a we are all looking for leaders in our different focus areas to come along side of us, whom we can train to go out and train others. I am also not so good at setting firm goals, and sticking to them. But I need to learn how to do this. So please pray for me there. I'm typically the type that says, well, let's just go and see what happens. Makes it easier for me to be flexible.
Fun fact: In my village I have moved to, I only have running water from 5am-10am and then from 4pm-10pm. So that is interesting. My landlord talked about getting me a reserve tank, so this week I need to go talk to him about that, as well about the internet situation (do I have it, if not, how are we gonna get it).
I am also flummoxed by a situation where I have friends who are teachers, as well as friends who are students, and they don't mix.. and I mean that in the most literal way possible. Last night when my students arrived and noticed cars of some of the other teachers, it took me literally 5 minutes for me to convince them to come inside, sit down, and eat a little before they retreated. So, as of right now, if I want to hang out, I have to schedule time for the two groups so they don't end up at the same place together, because the students will just leave. That's interesting.
as it is Father's day today for y'all in the states, happy fathers day to my Dad, love you. and in closing, I am still constantly amazed at the way God blesses me and takes care of me. Pray for me that I can use these to show my friends who He is. That's all for now folks..
until next time, go eat some good Thai food...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The discussion that has been happening, really for the past 8 months, but intensely in my head for the past two, is which is the better approach to sharing the gospel. Having a central location to bring people from all over to and do ministry and sharing there (i.e. - start a church or 'outreach' center). This is what we do in America. It is what many of us have in our heads as how it should be done whether we realize it or not. It's comfortable, practical, and a whole lot easier to schedule things around.
The other is going out, finding someone and striking up a conversation, sharing with that person, and if they are interested, meet with them again, and get them to bring some friends, and while you are telling this person, teach this person to tell his/her friends he/she brings along. This way you start a small intimate group of people who know each other (easier to start the community framework) and you are teaching them how to share the stories of Christ at the same time, this way, they can go and do the same thing. This one is a bit more difficult because you have to go to a place intentionally, and sometimes it may be quite a while before you meet anyone who will listen. Me, I like the first one (read again "comfortable, practical, and [easy]")
Through talking with different people I am getting closer to, and praying/arguing, I have decided that the best direction for TK is to go with the second model. I am going this way because I think it is the direction that we should be going, that God wants us to go, but to be honest I am going a bit reluctantly for a myriad of reasons, mostly boiling down to the fact that it forces me way outside my comfort zone.
I'm not entirely sure where this is going to go. But I do know it means I am moving. I have told my landlord, and have begun searching for a new place. I am looking at 3 places right now, all are closer to the university. I think I have decided on one. But not 100% on that yet. I'll post on Facebook which ever one I choose.
I'll be updating over the next few days as I decide, process more of whats going on in my brain and heart, and what not.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Love you all.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Valentine and Birth days... wheee!!!

Pretty swank, eh? Dan also got to play some music for the students as they had a concert there during lunch. Then they sat down with my English majors and talked with them for part of their grade, then they went to Tk and decorated.
After they had dinner, we played games and hung out with the students, then made valentines. All in all it was a great night.
The next Tuesday night we had TonKla again as usual, but I was unable to be there because I was teaching. According to the girls, we had about 7 or 8 show, and they had fun. They played telephone pictionary and told the story of... Noah and the Ark? I think that was the next one on our list. Yeah, anyways. This week we will do normal stuff, then the following week will be finals week, so we will tell the story and then watch a movie. Beyond that we still have not discussed really with the students, so we will do that on Tuesday.
Another new develpment, one of the girls who came to the Valentines day party, also went with Sa to the BK vday party, the CD vday party and wants to study the bible with her, along with a couple of her friends. So starting on Monday they will be having a girls' Bible study (girls in the sense that no guys are coming yet, not in that they aren't allowed). The company has let us borrow a book shelf and a fan. Awesome. And Rob and Jordan's home church has made a very genrous donation to help us with bills and such. So praise God for all of that.
This leads me into the part of my post that is mixed TK and me personally. The TK part is that there are some really cool opportunities opening up in front of us. We are trying to figure out to be a meeting place for the believers in the area, and for the students that go to North that are already believers, and there are a few. Also looking at offering more in depth cell group type meetings for those who want more than just the stories we do on Tuesday. The me personally part is I am try to decide how much I am supposed to be a North and TK each. I'll get back to that.
For me personally the first half of this month has been very draining. It's been basically non-stop. I'm about fed up with my bank back home and all the dadgum fee's it charges me just to get money out (in addition to the ones here). It has been wonderful, but draining.
And even though I was very excited when I was first told that they were putting through the contract for me, and it was something that I have been asking them to do, I feel a pull inside of me telling me to make this descision carefully. As it is, teaching and side projects for North consume a large amount of my time. Most of my time. Especially the side projects that I sometimes get blindesided with, and making tests. I am not a very nice or graceful person to be around when it comes down to creating mid-terms and finals. If I sign a full time contract, well, its just like becoming a salaried employee in the states, they own your time. Even though on paper I only need to put in 35 hours per week, I know that will be more like 60. at least.
And the main reason I am doing it because of the financial security it offers. A set amount of money coming in at the same time every month is very attractive to me at this point, as is the pay raise, how ever much that is.
And I know it's not time for me to quit. Abondoning my students, and dropping out a position I have said I would fulfil is increadably the wrong way to go about it. But I don't know if I should be taking this contract. I realise this is rambling and random, but that's the state of my brain on the issue right now.
Moving on. Valentines days parties were awesome. Had a crapload of fun eventhough I didn't get any rest at all.
And then yesterday was my Birthday. Yay for being 25. Yay even more for lazing about my room until about 5, and then going bowling with friends. I want to say thanks to all my friends that read this that sent me various types of birthday wishes, and those who were able to come to my party. All in all it has been a crazy, awesome, increadable month. and we still have a week left.
Please pray for TK and me as we move to the end of the semester, and we have some descisions to make, or more accurately, we need to seek out the best direction that God has chosen for us. Yay finals, yay fun, and yay for watching doors open all over the place.
love y'all
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lotsa fun stuff
I think it was after our second meeting where we had more than two people come. This past weekend was the English camp for NCU that TK and BK partnered in working on. We met up at Baan Kanoon at 06.30 and got all loaded up into the van, and left at a little after 7. Made one stop at a gas station for breakfast, and then headed up to the Phuing Fah resort up in the Mae Sa area. ( if you want to see pics of the resort, will add a link to the facebook folder once the pics get uploaded... that may be a month or so) We unloaded, put out all the gear for everyone so we could start setting up stations. Then we found out that the vans coming from NCU had broken down on the way, so while they were waiting for replacements, we started the camp with the kids that had just driven straight there. That was the first bit o' excitement. So we went through the first rotation, and about midway through the second, the rest of the students showed up. So we were able to get them all assigned into groups and then put with their peoples and they didn't really miss that much. So that worked out well.
For the stations we had
Postcards - a craft station where they got to make postcards and write on em in English
Active team games - they did the human knot, a game where they had to keep the ball in the air, and one team got to do group juggling.
Card games - I'm pretty sure every team played uno/crazy uno
Sports- frisbee, football, and soccer which then got turned into a relay
Picture Scavenger Hunt
Scrabble - they played in teams
Vocab practice - Make as many words as you can out of "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" (i think thats the sentence, if not it's close)
Dancing - learning the Cupid Shuffle
Valentines Cards
So they went through half before the amazing lunch, and they went through half after the amazing lunch. By the end of the day, everybody was worn out. But it was fun. Some of the students there are supposed to send us the contact information for their school so that we can talk to the school about doing an all day camp there. So thats awesome.
Then on Tuesday we had our third meeting. We had eight people come including three juniors from Hang Dong high school who had come to the English camp. We talked and did homework, and then played the game where you have to navigate the minefield blindfolded, listening to your partner (they had to do it in English, then they made me and Tessa do it in Thai). Then we told the second story out of our series, the story of the creation of the Angels and the fall of Lucifer.
Then we played more bull.. they really, really like bull.
Tomorrow, we are taking a few of the student who come to TK and joining up with a lot of people from BK to go to Namtok Jet Si (the seven color water fall aka the sticky waterfall. sticky because the whole waterfall is calcified (or, uh, lime-a-fied, though fairly certain its the first) which gives you great traction) to go camping. Spending the night and coming back on Sunday.
Next week we are forgoing the normal Tuesday night for a Thursday night Valentine's day party with a group who will be in town from Florida. That's gonna be awesome.
So our prayer thanksgivings/concerns for this week are:
We have a small group of students interested and coming, the English camp was amazing, it looks like some new opportunities are opening up, all the support from people here esp. at the English camp.
Safe travels, good parties, opportunities to share, sensitivity to God's direction as we move forward and as we decide what to do for the summer.
As to what's been happening with me personally. February is gonna be busy, We kicked it off right with the English camp last weekend, the next day went to a fellow teacher's dad's funeral in Lampang, this week I've written and submitted to be torn apart two finals, gave a test, started on the last chapters of both of my classes, sat through a three+ hour lecture over how to use a new online English program for next semester (it looks like fun, but adds extra work to each class), tonight going to BK and tomorrow going to the water fall. Next week we go to CMU to defend our programs to an outsorce comittee for private universities (this is where the finals get torn apart), Thursday - Valentines day party, Friday - Senior farewell party for NCU seniors, Saturday - Payup/CD church Vday party (all day), Sunday - Vday party at a fellow teacher's church. Following week helping teach three three hour sessions for the seniors in speaking English (this may blossom to six sessions) etc.. last two weeks are preparing for, giving and grading finals. There are a few things I forgot to add in.
Said all that to say I may not be updating much in Feb. If you see me on Facebook playing Farmville, that has become my new sanity break. It's lots of fun too.
Also, found out that I should be signing a year long contract as a teacher at the beggining of March. Not sure what all extra that entails, but it does give me a secure monthly salary for the next 12 months, I can actually make a budget for myself that doesn't have to change month by month based on my income. first time, ever. Awesome.
So all in all, gearing up for the end of semester, and trying to stay a head. I imagine this is what surfing is like. I could be wrong though.