1. Creating new curriculum for two classes.
2. Preparing to teach a new curriculum for a third class.
3. Starting a new semester.
4. Searching for and renting a new house.
5. Moving and having a housewarming party on the same day.
6. Negotiating the end of one lease, and the beginning of a new one.
7. Making sure the right people know you are moving and find out what of their stuff you are borrowing they need back.
8. Trying to write a blog about all of it.
So yeah, if you notice that the last one is the blog, that's why I have not been on every few days as I had thought I would be able to do. It has been tons of fun, but just kinda a little stressful.
So to catch all you followers in the states up on all that has been happening since the last blog (pause as I check the last blog to remind myself what I wrote).. Right-o. I ended up going for the place I had hinted at in my last blog, the pics of which are scattered through-out this post. I now live close enough to the university that I am starting to look for a cheep second hand bicycle that is big enough for me, do my part on reducing oil usage.
If you didn't figure out from my little list at the beginning of the post, I have moved, almost successfully (almost being that I still need to do some unpacking and cleaning, but successfully in that it is all moved in and didn't destroy anyone or thing in the process, a first for me). I really like the new place. I have my room to get away in, a place to watch movies, and extra bed for friends to spend the night, and a room that right now I have set up as a sitting room, and will eventually add a desk for it to be a reading/reflection and (hopefully) art room. I have realized that I have lost a lot of my skill in using a pencil or pen as I used to, which saddens me, and so I am hoping that I will be able to start doing this again. And I even have a little patch of grass I have to water, and flowers and stuff (you should prolly pray for those things, as they are now in my care).
On the personal side, things are still crazy, my focus is shot at the moment, but I am taking a mini-vaca at the end of this week. The students that were meeting at the big building are still wanting to come over to my house on the same night so that is good. I was worried it would be more work than that. School started last Monday, as of right now, I have one section less than anticipated, but that will most likely change this week. I have rewritten my curriculum for my Listening and Speaking class to be more in line with what our new dean would like to see, so we'll see how implementing it goes. Finally finished writing it for my Oral Communication class, again, we'll see how it goes. And for my English 1 GE class, we are changing the format to be focused simply on listening and speaking, so I am trying to figure out how to translate a lesson focused on the four basic skills (listening/speaking, reading, writing, grammar) into a cohesive lesson simply working on L/S. So again, fun times this semester.
On Thursday, on of my friends who teaches in the Masters program is going to be on TV in Bangkok, so the rest of the Master's teachers, me and one of the teachers from English are all tagging along, and then going to the beach, and some historical places and whatnot. Its gonna be fun. The only downside is that I have to make up the classes I am skipping, but a free trip (excluding food purchases)to Bangkok and the beach, with friends is completely worth it.
I finally have a group of people I am meeting with that are like minded, and we worship in English, so that is an answer to prayer. And all of us are working together towards the goal of trying to tell everyone who God is. I am excited to see how this is working out and the direction it is heading. The potential here is amazing. Please pray for us a we are all looking for leaders in our different focus areas to come along side of us, whom we can train to go out and train others. I am also not so good at setting firm goals, and sticking to them. But I need to learn how to do this. So please pray for me there. I'm typically the type that says, well, let's just go and see what happens. Makes it easier for me to be flexible.
Fun fact: In my village I have moved to, I only have running water from 5am-10am and then from 4pm-10pm. So that is interesting. My landlord talked about getting me a reserve tank, so this week I need to go talk to him about that, as well about the internet situation (do I have it, if not, how are we gonna get it).
I am also flummoxed by a situation where I have friends who are teachers, as well as friends who are students, and they don't mix.. and I mean that in the most literal way possible. Last night when my students arrived and noticed cars of some of the other teachers, it took me literally 5 minutes for me to convince them to come inside, sit down, and eat a little before they retreated. So, as of right now, if I want to hang out, I have to schedule time for the two groups so they don't end up at the same place together, because the students will just leave. That's interesting.
as it is Father's day today for y'all in the states, happy fathers day to my Dad, love you. and in closing, I am still constantly amazed at the way God blesses me and takes care of me. Pray for me that I can use these to show my friends who He is. That's all for now folks..
until next time, go eat some good Thai food...
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