Greetings to those of you out there who carry me through your prayers and support and suffer through my written ramblings! I wouldn't be here
So when I last left you, I had just confirmed that I was going to attempt to join YWAM, getting ready for a Valentine's Day party, and preparing for the end of semester. I'll cover YWAM at the end of the blog, so keep on truckin'. As for the Valentine's Day party, it sounded like a lot of fun. That's right, I wasn't there. I was in the next room sick as a dog, knocked me down and out for a whole day, and then took a few days to go away completely. But the students had a good time eating candy, cooking together, and studying.
I have begun the application process for YWAM, which is applying for a 6 month training seminar that starts in June. I'm on a time crunch with this as I will only have 2 months to raise the cost of the seminar, as well as find monthly support to sustain me (bills at home and such) while in the camp and after the camp is finished. I am enormously excited at the thought of actually being able to simply go and share, not have to do lesson plans, and go to work, but just go and build relationships daily in my community and build groups who are excited to share the good news with those around them.
Prayer Requests:
Ton Kla: Will, Yo and Annie are all wanting to continue studying this summer. So pray for their opportunities to study together and for Mandy to be able to facilitate that.
Mandy: for peace of mind as she is only a few months away from finishing her time here and for what to do next
Will and Yo: that they would draw closer to God and have a better understanding of who He is. also that they would be able to find good internships for their next semester of school.
Annie: that she would continue to grow in her faith and trust in God. And that she would be able to find constructive ways to use her time this summer (studying, working or whatever she finds to do)
Me: Safety while traveling. Good times with friends. That God would provide the opportunities and open doors for me to raise the funds I need, or winning numbers. either one ;-)Rest and recuperation so that I can head back here refreshed.
Thanks, hope to see as many of you in person that I can. Look for the next update mid may!

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