Friday, April 15, 2011

It's been a good ride

Well, hello again to all you out there. I am currently in Stillwater Oklahoma, visiting the greatest public university you can attend, OSU, and my little... well, I take that back, my younger brother. So far I have been to Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis, Sullivan, Lynn, Osage Beach, Bolivar, Springfield (MO), Bentonville, Coweta, and here. It has been a great trip so far, but I am worn out and ready to be home.

I'm also approaching the part of my journey where I will really be gearing up my fundraising, so I am coming back to you all who have been reading and supporting me thus far to ask for some prayer coverage for the next month. That God would be putting people in my way that I need to talk to, and that I would be alert and ready to talk to them. I know what I need to survive, and I know what I need so that I can start getting a head on bills, actually get insurance, and start saving back for emergencies, a vehicle and all those things that will come with time. I will speak at my first church this coming Sunday, so if you could start there.

Thank you all for your support so far. If you know of any churches in the Southern Oklahoma area that would be willing to let me speak, if you could shoot me a phone number that would be awesome. Let the fun begin!

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