Sunday, March 8, 2009

futures of history

Well, when we last left off, I was in a hurry. We finished up watching get smart with Ken and Dew, and then woke up the next morning. I headed on over to BK to start putting together some material on giving directions for juvey the next day. Then we had language at 1. After language we hung around BK, and then picked up PiiToey to go to a Japanese food place (where the shrimp was amazing) and then went bowling after. It was a lot of fun but sad at the same time since it was our last night with Dream before she left.

We also found out the the people in Utah that work with this company to bring students to the states to work is run by Mormans. So Dream and her classmates as well as students from other countries are living with and working for people of the Morman belief system. So pray for them and Dream specifically.

Wednesday, I woke up early and Richard, PiiThumb and I all headed out to Mae Rim for our weekly time in jail, and we had a lot of fun with it. Giving directions is a hard lesson to teach, bit it was a blast. And PiiThumb is getting more and more in depth each week. He told his testimony last week. So pray for us as we try to teach them quality English, but also for wisdom in sharing what we believe. That it would be lived out in us, not just out words.

We left there and I made it back to BK in time to have lunch with Dream and Tham. Tham is also leaving for the states, soon if not already gone. She's going to Wyoming or Montana to work. Can't remember which.

Had a meeting and then got ready to leave for Bangkok. The train was interesting, to say the least. Rob and Jordan had a French speaking couple near them, who caused some problems. And sleepin in a train is harder than you might think.

But we made it to the train station and caught a very rickety old songteaw to the guest house where we were staying, got showered and cleaned up a bit, and then headed down to the sky train to go to the BSC.

The Baptist Student Center is an English teaching institution with over 50 years of history. It was started by three misplaced M's, though I couldn't tell you there names now I remember that two were a couple by the last name of Reeves, and has grown into a huge place that influences an average of 2500 students each term, which is about two months long. I will throw out there they are always looking for volunteers, from college juniors on up to people in their 80's. Search baptist student center dot org.

But we got to look at their structure and formatting to start some benchmarking for BK, and it was increadably encouraging to see all they had done and are still doing and to get some ideas that could be reached. So that was a ton of fun, then we headed from there to the Baptist Theological Seminary. I didn't even know such a place existed! But before any of you think about coming to Thailand for your seminary program, you'll have to learn Thai. Just a heads up. It was neat though to meet some of the teachers and students and get some history on the place.

Then after that whole long day, we went on back to the guest house and rested a bit, then got together to eat out. We went to an amazing little rib place (yeah, that's right, we had American food) and just sat and talked as a team and had some really good food. We got back to the guest house around 1030 and headed to sleep, then woke back up early. Well, I slept in til 730, but then we went to a little compound where several M's stay for an introductory orientation to Thai culture. Some of it was stuff I had known since last year, and some of it was brand new, so it was fun. That lasted til the afternoon and then we split up and went and did stuff in smaller groups. Brooke, Liliy, Beca and I was the group I went with, and we ended up going to watch The Watchmen at the Imax theatre. I was a bit dissapointed. I thought it took a good honest look at human nature, but did it much more explicitly than I thought they would. So I ended up liking most of the movie but wishing I had done a bit more research into the actual storyline than I had done.

Afterwards we split again, and Lily and I went to check out Lumpini Park, which was huge and closed 15 min after we got there. So we headed back to the guest house. I ate dinner there and met a guy who was leading a group from the states and had just finished a medical clinic. We talked a little.

Then Saturday I went straight tourist. We woke up early an had all our stuff ready to go before 830. Then the majority of us that had stayed the extra day went to tour the kings palace, which turned put to be looking at a large wat and a museum in the corner of the grounds. Then Beca, Lily and I met up with Kwan, a friend from Chiang Mai and we all went to another nearby wat to see the reclining Budha. The thing gave new definition to the word large for me me. I can't acurately describe the largeness.

Afterwards we went by boat and train to JJ's Market. It's the largest open air market in the world, and we only got to spend about an hour there. But we were there. Though I din get to see the animal part. And Bangkok also gave new meaning to the word hot for me. And it's not even on in the hottest part of the year, bit it's close.

But went to get ourselves all cleaned up and then went to the train station, said goodbye to friends we had met down there, and then got on a train to head home. I don't know if I was just exhausted or what, but I slept ok on it. Then the train decided to take an extra couple of hours to get to CM.

Bit by the time we got there an back to ST apartment, I was sleepy. So I accidentally took a 5 hour nap. Woke up just in time for worship, which was really refreshing (worship, not just the nap). After tha Rob Jordan and I headed to Richard and Christy Neills house to watch tv OSU vs OU bball game that Richard had recorded for us. It was a bit of a dissapointing game, but the time spent hanging out was good.

Then I was in bed by 1030 and was out til 8 this morning.

Next week will be a short update again if I even get the chance to do it.

But please pray for me as I continue to get things together for for the juvey time. That God would give me educational creativity. And focus. Wednesday, I will also be taking over Richards class at 7, assuming anyone comes. And then Thursday, the team of highschoolers arrives from LCCS, in Dallas. The 3 will be spending a lot of time with them. So pray we don't get too worn out going with them. They will be doing a lot of stuff in the week they are here. Also pray for them that they would be flexible, and little Christs running around. And pray for Richard as he is the one in charge of them. This is an exciting time for our team as we get to join with another team of believers and let them see the life in CM. Also we are starting the new term of teaching this week, and we are doing a camping trip on the 20-21 of march, so pray for that that those who need to be there will be able and willin to come, and pray for us as we lead them out.

Things are continuing to be exciting, and also drainig at times. Pray that we would be leaning on Gods strength and not our own on this, and that we would know His direction, and know what direction to follow, and that we would even know when to say no to doing a good thing so we don't spread ourselves to thin to do our main calling.

Thank you all again for your love and support, for the Bday cards I got, those were unexpected, and for the little notes of encouragement I get from time to time. They come at just the right times and carry me when I get tired.

I also feel compelled to say I wrote this one listening to Toby Mac, Search the City, and mewithoutYou. Loves. Latras!


zach caddy said...

you typed all this on an iphone. yikes.

zdbuya said...

Yup yup. It was fun too